5 menstruation hygiene reminders


On average, the menstrual cycle lasts about a week. In a lifetime, a woman menstruates for about seven years. People would assume we should get used to our regular monthly visitors by the first few years. Unfortunately, no! Whether it is a 12-year-old girl or a 39-year-old woman, bleeding straight for seven days is not an enjoyable trial for anyone.

No matter how uncomfortable these customary visits are, we must remember to properly care for our menstrual hygiene.

Pick one method of sanitation

Once upon an unfortunate time, only a piece of cloth was used and reused for menstruation. Now there are multiple options such as tampons, sanitary pads, and menstrual cups. Over the years, there has been a rise in the use of menstrual cups but sanitary pads remain a common option.

Period may be a shared experience for all women but not all brands or products are tailored for everyone hence it is best to stick to one that meets your needs.

Change/wash regularly

No matter how busy our schedule might be, our health comes first.

Depending on how light or heavy our flow is, we must change our sanitary pads every three to four hours, if you are using a tampon make sure to change it every two hours.

Menstrual cups can be kept for a longer time, up to 12 hours. Change your sanitary products frequently to avoid odour, urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, and skin rashes.

Dispose of used sanitary product

Leaving used sanitary products will cause a repugnant smell as well as spread unwanted bacteria. Make sure to properly wrap it before discarding your pads/tampons, this keeps the bacteria and smell contained.

Avoid mistakenly flushing away your products, it will cause a blockage in your toilet.

Wash your hands thoroughly every time you change your sanitary pads/tampons and after you discard them.

Keep away from harmful chemicals

It is crucial to have a basic understanding of our body anatomy. The usage of soap or any similar products will make room for infections. Keep it simple, wash yourself with warm water. You can use body soap on the external parts of your body avoiding the inside of your vulva.

Apply the correct washing technique

Clean your genitalia in an upward motion to steer clear of any bacteria. The opposite motion will cause urinary infections. Your body is prone to various infections during the menstrual period. Being mindful of our hygiene will only benefit us in the long term.

The pain and discomfort vary from woman to woman during their menstruation but taking care of personal hygiene remains the same for everyone.

In modern times, it is easier to track your cycle with the help of an app. However, women should always be ready for an unwanted crisis.

Keep extra pads/tampons in your bag, a disposable bag, a hand sanitiser, tissues, and pain medications, if necessary. Also, keep a few healthy snacks and a bottle of water. It is common to feel weak during your period hence feed your body well and stay hydrated.