Deputy secretary/senior secretary, assistant secretary, Law-1, public security division has been entrusted with the charge of member secretary of the committee.
Members of the district level committees are: police supers (a deputy commissioner for metropolitan areas), public prosecutors (metropolitan magistrate for the cases of the metropolitan areas) and additional district magistrate (member secretary).
The ministry level meeting will prepare a list of the cases appropriate for withdrawal after reviewing the recommendations sent from the district level committees and start process for withdrawal of the cases.
Apart from this, the committee will also prepare another list of the politically motivated cases filed under The Anti-Corruption Commission Act, 2004 as these cases cannot be withdrawal sans the commission’s written orders as per section 10 (4) of The Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1958. The government will later decide the next course of action to this end.
In accordance with the gazette notification, all have been asked to file petitions with the district magistrate concerned within 31 December 2024 to withdraw the politically harassment cases along with certified copies of the FIRs (first information reports) and charge sheets if required.
The district magistrates will send the petitions to district public prosecutors (in cases metropolitan public prosecutors) within seven working days of receiving the applications while the public prosecutors will return the petitions with their opinions to the district magistrates within 15 working days.
Then, the district magistrates will place the petitions with opinion of the public prosecutors at district committee meeting within seven working days.
The district committees will suggest the government to withdraw the cases if they consider those cases are politically motivated or filed for other purposes mainly for harassment.
The district committees will finally send the recommendations, FIRs, charge-sheets in a specific chart , within 45 working days.