GGF’s Round Table Discussion on “State Reform Needs All’s Participation, Unity and Participation” Today


Dhaka: Today, a round table discussion on “New Bangladesh: “Participation, unity and participation of all is needed in state reform” will be held at 10 am at Sena Kalyan Tower, Amana Food Valley Conference Hall, Mohakhali in the capital.

Judge Iktedar Ahmed will present the main article. Justice Sikder Maqbool Haque will preside.


Mr. Shamsuzzaman Dudu, Dr. Sukomal Barua, Barrister Rumin Farhana, Major Jena: Amsa Amin, Junaid Saki, Mahbur Alam Kamal. (Virtually) Farhad Mazhar, Dr. Rezaul Karim Chowdhury and Mehzabin Waheed etc.

The round table discussion will be moderated by Shariful Islam Khan, General Secretary, Good Governance Forum.