Prominent Journalist Aminul Islam Bedu is no more


DHAKA: Aminul Islam Bedu, the founding president of Uttara Media Club, a prominent Rabindra researcher, writer, essayist, and veteran journalist, has passed away. Inna nillahi wa inna elaihi raji’un.

Aminul Islam Bedu, a senior member of the National Press Club, is no more. He passed away at 5 am today, Sunday, at Uttara Lubana Hospital in the capital (Innalillahi wa inna ilaihe rajeun). He was suffering from various age-related diseases including diabetes and heart problems. He was 85 years old. He is survived by his wife, one son, two daughters, as well as numerous relatives, colleagues and well-wishers.

The body of the deceased has been kept in the cold storage of BIRDEM Hospital. After his two daughters returned from abroad, the first Namaz-e-Janaza of the deceased will be held next Wednesday at the Jama Masjid premises in Uttara Sector 5 and the second Namaz-e-Janaza at the National Press Club.

National Press Club President Hasan Hafiz and General Secretary Ayub Bhuiyan, Uora Media Club General Secretary and Bangladesh Online Media Association President Shariful Islam Khan have expressed deep shock and sorrow over the death of Aminul Islam Bedu. In a statement, the leaders prayed for the eternal peace of the deceased and extended their deepest condolences to his bereaved family members.

Late Aminul Islam Bedu was the news editor of the post-independence Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha and the founder and publisher of the much-discussed weekly Sanjhini. He was also one of the founders of the World Literature Center, the founding president of Rabindra Academy, the advisor of Bangladesh Online Media Association, the founding convener of Uttara Society, one of the founders and founding president of Uttara Sahitya Parishad and the current chief advisor.

The nation is in a sea of ​​mourning today after losing this renowned literary journalist of the country.